today on TNL i saw this JHU monk... rathana hamuduruwo saying that being politically liberal tends to embrace western values... where ppl eat well... get drunk etc..
it was a political debate... they were debating some act passed by the parliament on having bars close to schools and religious places of worship...
its good that the act specifically mentioned "religious places of worship".... 'cos a bar is a place of worship to some liberals....
if i had no desire to eat tasty animals... drink alcohol... get high... and eat again... and use deodarants... i'd be a bigger monk than him... and since this abstinence would make my smug cloud so big i'd want to go preaching to those lost souls about how drinking is bad... (and how its okay to pirate software, music and movies...)
and now they want the govt to ban alcohol and tobacco completely... 'cos apparently the natural log of the rate at which the natural log of the rate at which ppl are getting high is increasing exponentially...
y = e^((ln (d(ln (dx/dt)/dt).c)) + C
and they'd ban meat and the whole country will eventually turn up to be a monastery... and there wont be anyone to populate... 'cos no one will have the desire to populate...
ah not cool... so as an act of civil disobedience... we should drink more and eat more tasty animals or else there wont be anyone to populate the country!
i wonder what the govts policy is on software and movie piracy...