i was looking at Venus thinking its Saturn
and when i checked the chart it was Venus with Pleiades (The Seven Sisters)
the above is an "infrared image from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope"
i took some pictures and they were pretty bad so i'm not going to put them here
we were getting thrashed by the aussies...
and i just couldnt watch match...
so i decided to go have a look at Jupiter...
and there it was... with three of its moons...
i called my bro and asked him to have a look...
and he was like "ko ko"... he's blind or something... 'cos it was there
and then after a few tries he goes "ahhh... dakka dakka"
i took a few pictures but they were all blur...

the above are Galileo's notes on observing Jupiter...
The Telescope
i borrowed a Meade ETX-90EC from a friend of mine... with attachments for my Canon EOS 350D Camera...
i had to take the telescope out of the house 'cos we dont have a balcony and the roof doesnt support my body weight...
there was a street dog (female) who had a few puppies and she was like "what're you doing"... and i was like "there dog... jupiter!!!!" and she goes "hmmmmm... thank you... just what me and my pups want..."