i keep getting pain in the ass smug emails / sms's with some deep story or philosophy or theory...and it ends saying “send this to x number of people and make your life will be better" OR "if you dont send this to 10 people within the next hour something bad will happen" and then they have lame ass story about how some woman knocker her car and died!
okay lets leave the "threatening e-mails out" and look at the smug e-mails
what is smug??? smug |sməg| - adjective ( smugger, smuggest) having or showing an excessive pride in oneself or one's achievements : he was feeling smug after his win.
so with their self-satisfying fumes they want us to send their e-mails to 10 other people and expand the smug cloud!!!! well for one - i wont be a part of that...
"send this to x people and make your life better" translates to "feel good about yourself for reading this and since you're excessively proud about it... please send it to another 5 idiots who would expand our smug cloud".... well for one... i am not a part of it!!!!!
and.... smug clouds contribute to global laming!!!!