a friend of mine sent a e-mail titled... Alcohol........................
Scientists at the National University of Lesotho released the results of a recent study that revealed the presence of female hormones in alcohol and suggested that men should take concerned look at their alcohol consumption. The theory is that alcohol contains female hormones and that by drinking too much alcohol, men in theory could become women. In a strictly controlled test, 100 men drank 375ml of alcohol within a 2 hour period.
Afterwards it was observed that every one of the test subjects:
a) Argued over nothing.
b) Refused to apologize when obviously wrong.
c) Gained weight.
d) Talked incessantly without making any sense.
e) Became overly emotional.
f) Couldn't drive properly.
g) Failed to think logically.
h) Had to sit down while urinating.
No further testing was considered necessary.
that probably would have been the first time they drank or something
i mean two hours for half a bottle!!!
okay lets go thru each thing one by one...
first of all... i would have LOVED to volunteer!!!
i hope they had some nice food to go with the booze....
a) Argued over nothing - yeah i do that when i'm drunk... but not after half a bottle... would take more than that i guess
b) Refused to apologize when obviously wrong - who would want an apology from a drunk man????
c) Gained weight - that has nothing to do with drinking... its all got to do with how much you eat while drinking... i've friends who gain nothing 'cos i eat all the food!!!
d) Talked incessantly without making any sense - did they talk sense before they were drunk???
e) Became overly emotional - about what? ex-girl friends? about their cars? also... why is that a bad thing? women get overly emotional all the time!!! esp with their PMS etc!!!!
f) Couldn't drive properly - who let them drive??? we dont drink AND drive... its hard to drink while driving... and to drive while drinking... so we stopped that....
g) Failed to think logically - they make it sound like its a bad thing not to think logically.... you drink to get away from logic... thats the whole point!!!!
h) Had to sit down while urinating... I'VE NEVER DONE THAT!!!! EVER!!! NO MATTER HOW DRUNK!!!
No further testing was considered necessary - yeah leave the poor bastard... conduct tests on drunkards... pffffft....
female hormones in booze... well may be all those hairy feminists should start drinking!!!!!
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Which Petrol to use? Octane 90 or 95?
Check the compression ratio of your car engine.
For example, my honda has a compression ration of 9.6:1 so its best that I use Octane 93 Petrol?
Not really, because the table shows that I should use Octane 95 but that was based on tests done in temperate climates, where ambient air temperature is around 25 ° (say). In Sri Lanka, where ambient air temperature reaches as high as 35°C, a correction has to be made.
With an increase of 10°C in charge air (air taken in to the engine cylinder), the recommended octane number should be 1 number lower (or 0.5 for every 5°C).
The radiator water temperature will also rise by about 10°C and therefore the recommended octane number should be 2 number lower (1-2 for every 10°C).
So I should be using petrol having an Octane number of 90
The octane number is equal to the numerical value of the percentage by volume of iso-octane, C8H18 (2,2,4-trimethylpentane, an isomer of octane), in a mixture of iso-octane and n-heptane, C7H16, having the same knock characteristics as the fuel being tested.
"An 87-octane gasoline, for example, has the same octane rating as a mixture of 87 vol-% isooctane and 13 vol-% n-heptane. This does not mean, however, that the gasoline actually should contain these chemicals in these proportions. It simply means that it has the same autoignition resistance as the described mixture."
For more info on octane rating read this wikipedia article
Another factor is activation energy (the energy barrier to start a chemical reaction). Fuels with higher octane ratings have higher activation energies. So if you have installed any fuel saver upgrades, that is something you should watch out for. Because fuel saver upgrades usually try to bring the activation energy down. This allows better combustion at higher engine speeds - so they claim.
The following table gives the octane ratings of various fuels (based on tests conducted in temperate climates):
sources: 1 | 2
Running a fuel with a lower octane number than recommended retards fuel ecconomy because combustion efficiency will drop.
If you are thinking of converting your car engine to run on LPG, try to increase the compression ratio by milling the engine head and using a thin gasket . Or get a new ECU with modified ignition and injection timings. Or turbo-charge the engine so that the compression pressure matches the fuel.
For example, my honda has a compression ration of 9.6:1 so its best that I use Octane 93 Petrol?
Not really, because the table shows that I should use Octane 95 but that was based on tests done in temperate climates, where ambient air temperature is around 25 ° (say). In Sri Lanka, where ambient air temperature reaches as high as 35°C, a correction has to be made.
With an increase of 10°C in charge air (air taken in to the engine cylinder), the recommended octane number should be 1 number lower (or 0.5 for every 5°C).
The radiator water temperature will also rise by about 10°C and therefore the recommended octane number should be 2 number lower (1-2 for every 10°C).
So I should be using petrol having an Octane number of 90
What is Octane Rating
The octane number is equal to the numerical value of the percentage by volume of iso-octane, C8H18 (2,2,4-trimethylpentane, an isomer of octane), in a mixture of iso-octane and n-heptane, C7H16, having the same knock characteristics as the fuel being tested.
"An 87-octane gasoline, for example, has the same octane rating as a mixture of 87 vol-% isooctane and 13 vol-% n-heptane. This does not mean, however, that the gasoline actually should contain these chemicals in these proportions. It simply means that it has the same autoignition resistance as the described mixture."
For more info on octane rating read this wikipedia article
Another factor is activation energy (the energy barrier to start a chemical reaction). Fuels with higher octane ratings have higher activation energies. So if you have installed any fuel saver upgrades, that is something you should watch out for. Because fuel saver upgrades usually try to bring the activation energy down. This allows better combustion at higher engine speeds - so they claim.
The following table gives the octane ratings of various fuels (based on tests conducted in temperate climates):
Compression Ratio | Octane Number |
8:1 | 92 |
9:1 | 96 |
10:1 | 100 |
11:1 | 104 |
12:1 | 108 |
sources: 1 | 2
Running a fuel with a lower octane number than recommended retards fuel ecconomy because combustion efficiency will drop.
Fuel | Research Octane Number (RON) | Heating Value (MJ/liter) | Cost (Rs/liter) | Specific Energy Cost (Rs/MJ) |
Petrol | 90 | 32.0 | 93 | 2.90 |
Petrol | 95 | 32.0 | 95 | 2.97 |
LPG | 115 | 22.16 | 48 | 2.17 |
If you are thinking of converting your car engine to run on LPG, try to increase the compression ratio by milling the engine head and using a thin gasket . Or get a new ECU with modified ignition and injection timings. Or turbo-charge the engine so that the compression pressure matches the fuel.
Saturday, January 27, 2007
I watched sankara today... and guess who was seated next to me??? sachini...
the story is deep...
watch the trailer
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
shyam shyam sent me this e-mail about hell.....
Shehal shehal,
thought u would enjoy this :)
The following is an actual question given on a University of
Washington chemistry mid-term. The answer by one student was so "profound"
that the professor shared it with colleagues, via the Internet, which is,
of course, why we now have the pleasure of enjoying it as well :
Bonus Question: Is Hell exothermic (gives off heat)
or endothermic (absorbs heat )
Most of the students wrote proofs of their beliefs using Boyle's Law
(gas cools when it expands and heats when it is compressed) or someVariant
One student, however, wrote the following:
First, we need to know how the mass of Hell is changing in time.
So we need to know the rate at which souls are moving into Hell
and the rate at which they are leaving. I think that we can safely assume that
once a soul gets to Hell, it will not leave. Therefore, no souls are leaving.
As for how many souls are entering Hell, let's look at the different
religions that exist in the world today.
Most of these religions state that if
you are not a member of their religion, you will go to Hell.
Since there is more than one of these religions and since people do
not belong to more than one religion, we can project that all souls go
to Hell.
With birth and death rates as they are, we can expect the number of
souls in Hell to increase exponentially. Now, we look at the rate
of change of the volume in Hell because Boyle's Law states that in
rder for the temperature and pressure in Hell to stay the same, the volume
of Hell has to expand proportionately as souls are added.
This gives two possibilities:
1. If Hell is expanding at a slower rate than the rate at which
souls enter Hell, then the temperature and pressure in Hell will
Increase until all Hell breaks loose.
2. If Hell is expanding at a rate faster than the increase of
souls in Hell, then the temperature and pressure will drop until
Hell freezes over.
So which is it?
If we accept the postulate given to me by Teresa during my
Freshman yearthat, "It will be a cold day in Hell before I sleep with you," and
take into account the fact that I slept with her last night, then number
two must be true, and thus I am sure that Hell is exothermic and has
Already frozen over.
The corollary of this theory is that since Hell has frozen over, it follows that it is not accepting any more souls and is herefore, extinct...... leaving only Heaven, thereby proving the existence of a divine being which explains why, last night, Teresa kept shouting "Oh my God."
Shehal shehal,
thought u would enjoy this :)
The following is an actual question given on a University of
Washington chemistry mid-term. The answer by one student was so "profound"
that the professor shared it with colleagues, via the Internet, which is,
of course, why we now have the pleasure of enjoying it as well :
Bonus Question: Is Hell exothermic (gives off heat)
or endothermic (absorbs heat )
Most of the students wrote proofs of their beliefs using Boyle's Law
(gas cools when it expands and heats when it is compressed) or someVariant
One student, however, wrote the following:
First, we need to know how the mass of Hell is changing in time.
So we need to know the rate at which souls are moving into Hell
and the rate at which they are leaving. I think that we can safely assume that
once a soul gets to Hell, it will not leave. Therefore, no souls are leaving.
As for how many souls are entering Hell, let's look at the different
religions that exist in the world today.
Most of these religions state that if
you are not a member of their religion, you will go to Hell.
Since there is more than one of these religions and since people do
not belong to more than one religion, we can project that all souls go
to Hell.
With birth and death rates as they are, we can expect the number of
souls in Hell to increase exponentially. Now, we look at the rate
of change of the volume in Hell because Boyle's Law states that in
rder for the temperature and pressure in Hell to stay the same, the volume
of Hell has to expand proportionately as souls are added.
This gives two possibilities:
1. If Hell is expanding at a slower rate than the rate at which
souls enter Hell, then the temperature and pressure in Hell will
Increase until all Hell breaks loose.
2. If Hell is expanding at a rate faster than the increase of
souls in Hell, then the temperature and pressure will drop until
Hell freezes over.
So which is it?
If we accept the postulate given to me by Teresa during my
Freshman yearthat, "It will be a cold day in Hell before I sleep with you," and
take into account the fact that I slept with her last night, then number
two must be true, and thus I am sure that Hell is exothermic and has
Already frozen over.
The corollary of this theory is that since Hell has frozen over, it follows that it is not accepting any more souls and is herefore, extinct...... leaving only Heaven, thereby proving the existence of a divine being which explains why, last night, Teresa kept shouting "Oh my God."
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
expand the smug cloud!!!
i keep getting pain in the ass smug emails / sms's with some deep story or philosophy or theory...and it ends saying “send this to x number of people and make your life will be better" OR "if you dont send this to 10 people within the next hour something bad will happen" and then they have lame ass story about how some woman knocker her car and died!
okay lets leave the "threatening e-mails out" and look at the smug e-mails
what is smug??? smug |sməg| - adjective ( smugger, smuggest) having or showing an excessive pride in oneself or one's achievements : he was feeling smug after his win.
so with their self-satisfying fumes they want us to send their e-mails to 10 other people and expand the smug cloud!!!! well for one - i wont be a part of that...
"send this to x people and make your life better" translates to "feel good about yourself for reading this and since you're excessively proud about it... please send it to another 5 idiots who would expand our smug cloud".... well for one... i am not a part of it!!!!!
and.... smug clouds contribute to global laming!!!!
okay lets leave the "threatening e-mails out" and look at the smug e-mails
what is smug??? smug |sməg| - adjective ( smugger, smuggest) having or showing an excessive pride in oneself or one's achievements : he was feeling smug after his win.
so with their self-satisfying fumes they want us to send their e-mails to 10 other people and expand the smug cloud!!!! well for one - i wont be a part of that...
"send this to x people and make your life better" translates to "feel good about yourself for reading this and since you're excessively proud about it... please send it to another 5 idiots who would expand our smug cloud".... well for one... i am not a part of it!!!!!
and.... smug clouds contribute to global laming!!!!
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
nasa goes metric with their moon missions
"NASA has decided to use metric units for all operations on the lunar surface when it returns to the Moon. The Vision for Space Exploration calls for returning astronauts to the Moon by 2020 and eventually setting up a manned lunar outpost.
The decision arose from a series of meetings that brought together representatives from NASA and 13 other space agencies to discuss ways to cooperate and coordinate their lunar exploration programs. Standardizing on the metric system was an obvious step in the right direction."
The decision arose from a series of meetings that brought together representatives from NASA and 13 other space agencies to discuss ways to cooperate and coordinate their lunar exploration programs. Standardizing on the metric system was an obvious step in the right direction."
Monday, January 08, 2007
hoax e-mails
i’ve seen and heard lotsa stories like this… and at the bottom it says “send this to x number of people”…
apart from the fact that this looks and sounds like a hoax… lets see if it fits the scientific method….
have clinical tests done on this? is there statistical evidence? or any other scientific evidence to support this claim? none… this is nothing more than a hypothesis…
may be i’m missing the humor in this… may be this is supposed to be funny? let me check… ah… no its not funny… i cant get my self to laugh… sorry…
no wait… this part is funny… after reading the “A cardiologist says if everyone who gets this mail sends it to 10people, you can be sure that we’ll save at least one life. Read this…Itcould save your life!!” part… this was sent to me by someone with a scientific education… and i got another copy from a guy who also had a scientific education…
Heart Attacks and drinking warm water…. This is a very good article. Not only about the warm water after your meal, but about heart attacks. This makes sense.. the Chinese and Japanese drink hot tea with their meals…not cold water…maybe it is time we adopt their drinking habit while eating!!! Nothing to lose, everything to gain… For those who like to drink cold water, this article is applicable to you. It is nice to have a cup of cold drink after a meal. However, the cold water will solidify the oily stuff that you have just consumed. It will slowdown the digestion. Once this “sludge” reacts with the acid, it will breakdown and be absorbed by the intestine faster than the solid food. It will line the intestine. Very soon, this will turn into fats and lead to cancer. It is best todrink hot soup or warm water after a meal. A serious note about heart attacks: You should know that not everyheart attack symptom is going to be the left arm hurting. Be aware of intense pain in the jaw line. You may never have the first chest pain during the course of a heartattack. Nausea and intense sweating are also common symptoms. 60% of people who have a heart attack while they are asleep do not wakeup. Pain in the jaw can wake you from a sound sleep. Let’s be careful andbeaware.The more we know, the better chance we could survive… A cardiologist says if everyone who gets this mail sends it to 10people, you can be sure that we’ll save at least one life. Read this…Itcould save your life!!
apart from the fact that this looks and sounds like a hoax… lets see if it fits the scientific method….
have clinical tests done on this? is there statistical evidence? or any other scientific evidence to support this claim? none… this is nothing more than a hypothesis…
may be i’m missing the humor in this… may be this is supposed to be funny? let me check… ah… no its not funny… i cant get my self to laugh… sorry…
no wait… this part is funny… after reading the “A cardiologist says if everyone who gets this mail sends it to 10people, you can be sure that we’ll save at least one life. Read this…Itcould save your life!!” part… this was sent to me by someone with a scientific education… and i got another copy from a guy who also had a scientific education…
Heart Attacks and drinking warm water…. This is a very good article. Not only about the warm water after your meal, but about heart attacks. This makes sense.. the Chinese and Japanese drink hot tea with their meals…not cold water…maybe it is time we adopt their drinking habit while eating!!! Nothing to lose, everything to gain… For those who like to drink cold water, this article is applicable to you. It is nice to have a cup of cold drink after a meal. However, the cold water will solidify the oily stuff that you have just consumed. It will slowdown the digestion. Once this “sludge” reacts with the acid, it will breakdown and be absorbed by the intestine faster than the solid food. It will line the intestine. Very soon, this will turn into fats and lead to cancer. It is best todrink hot soup or warm water after a meal. A serious note about heart attacks: You should know that not everyheart attack symptom is going to be the left arm hurting. Be aware of intense pain in the jaw line. You may never have the first chest pain during the course of a heartattack. Nausea and intense sweating are also common symptoms. 60% of people who have a heart attack while they are asleep do not wakeup. Pain in the jaw can wake you from a sound sleep. Let’s be careful andbeaware.The more we know, the better chance we could survive… A cardiologist says if everyone who gets this mail sends it to 10people, you can be sure that we’ll save at least one life. Read this…Itcould save your life!!
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
anarkali on tv

i noticed that watching anarkai on tv with the tv on mute is so much better…
you should try it… its very entertaining…
(btw she’s gained about 20 pounds so she kinda fills the screen)
also check this site out
(also bimbette )
noun ( pl. -bos) informal
an attractive but empty-headed young woman, esp. one perceived as a willing sex object.
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