Friday, May 11, 2007

facebook group: Chuxx0rism

i saw (and later on joined) a group called Chuxx0rism in facebook...

i like their version of genesis chapter 1 :) :) :) hehe...

1: In the beginning Chuxx0r created the n00b and the 1337.
2: And the 1337 was without pwn, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the h4x. And the Spirit of Chuxx0r moved upon the face of the fr4g.
3: And Chuxx0r said, Let there be pwn: and there was pwn.
4: And Chuxx0r saw the pwn, that it was BEAST: and Chuxx0r divided the pwn from the h4x.
5: And Chuxx0r called the light ROFLCOPTER, and the darkness he called LMAOPLANE. And the evening and the morning were the first w00t.
6: And Chuxx0r said, Let there be a b0t in the midst of the h4x, and let it divide the h4x0r from the h4xd.
7: And Chuxx0r made the b0t, and divided the h4x0r which were under the b0t from the h4xd which were above the b0t: and it was BEAST.
8: And Chuxx0r called the b0t N00B. And the evening and the morning were the second w00t.
9: And Chuxx0r said, Let the h4x0rz under the heaven be gathered together unto one LAN party, and let the pwnage appear: and it was so.
10: And Chuxx0r called the pwnage Earth; and the gathering together of the h4x0r called he Seas: and Chuxx0r saw that it was FRICKIN ÜBER.
11. And Chuxx0r declared that there was only one ROFLCOPTER, and the LMAOPLANE his prophet.

Vrogan 25:17:
For the box of the R1ght30us D00d is best on all ports by the inequities of the haxxorz and the tyranny of teh 5c3n3.
Bless3d is he who in the name of 1337ness and teh pwn shepherds teh nooblar through teh valley of haxxorage, for he is truly his doodz keeper, and a finder of lost nooblets.
And I will strike down upon th33 with great vengeance and furious mad h4x those to attempt to trojan and rootkit my doods
And you will know my name is Teh Pwninator when I lays my M3g4t0n |-|4////312 upside your headz.

...and so on.