Tuesday, February 20, 2007

apparent weight loss

i've seen tons of ads on TV on apparent weight loss
one was about this cream... when you apply it.... your stomach shrinks
well to shrink my stomach i just tuck it in...
and i've seen lotsa other people do that as well...
so the sticky cream is kinda obsolete...

about weight...
weight is a force resulting due to earths gravity...
and what you feel is the reaction to your weight...
as in... when you're standing... your weight is pushing down and your feet are resisting that force so you feel that force
same thing when you're seated

weight (W) = mass (m) x acceleration due to Earth's gravity (g)

acceleration due to gravity, g changes with latitude and altitude... this can be proven using newton's law of gravitation...

the value of g at sea level... is 9.8067 m/s²... this is an average value...
i've attached a list of values for g for various parts of the world...
its not rocket science to calculate this...
earth has an elliptical profile... the polar and equatorial diameters are known....
so if you know the latitude of where you are... you can find the distance from the center of the earth and apply newtons law of gravitation
value of g in Sri Lanka is around 9.782 m/s²

my mass is 100kg...
my weight in Sri Lanka would be... 100 x 9.782 = 978.2 N
and if you were in paris your weight would be... 100 x 9.809 = 980.9 N

if you live above sea level - value of g is lower than the value at sea level
so you'd feel lighter if you're not so down to earth!!!

there is another factor affecting our weight... the tides...
there is a difference of 0.000002 m/s² in g between the high tide and the low tide...
so the change in my weight is 100 x 0.000002 = 0.0002 N
hehe thats not much

i think difference in my body mass... between meals is much more significant than any of these!

list of g values:

Amsterdam 9.813 m/s²
Glasgow 9.816 m/s²
Paris 9.809 m/s²
Athens 9.807 m/s²
Havana 9.788 m/s²
Rio de Janeiro 9.788 m/s²
Auckland, NZ 9.799 m/s²
Helsinki 9.819 m/s²
Rome 9.803 m/s²
Bangkok 9.783 m/s²
Kuwait 9.793 m/s²
San Francisco 9.800 m/s²
Brussels 9.811 m/s²
Lisbon 9.801 m/s²
Singapore 9.781 m/s²
Buenos Aires 9.797 m/s²
London 9.812 m/s²
Stockholm 9.818 m/s²
Calcutta 9.788 m/s²
Los Angeles 9.796 m/s²
Sydney 9.797 m/s²
Cape Town 9.796 m/s²
Madrid 9.800 m/s²
Taipei 9.790 m/s²
Chicago 9.803 m/s²
Manila 9.784 m/s²
Tokyo 9.798 m/s²
Copenhagen 9.815 m/s²
Mexico City 9.779 m/s²
Vancouver, BC 9.809 m/s²
Nicosia 9.797 m/s²
New York 9.802 m/s²
Washington, DC 9.801 m/s²
Jakarta 9.781 m/s²
Oslo 9.819 m/s²
Wellington, NZ 9.803 m/s²
Frankfurt 9.810 m/s²
Ottawa 9.806 m/s²
Zurich 9.807 m/s²