Washington Post: "In Thursday's article, Castro said more than 3 billion people in the world were condemned to die prematurely of hunger or thirst from plans by his ideological foe, the United States, to convert foodstuffs like corn into fuel for cars."
power hungry commies talking about their starving peasants? wow!!
anyways... thats nice of him be concerned about his hungry peasants
but the US has nothing to do with the starving ppl of cuba or india or sudan
why should they?
US DoE press release: "This research will further President Bush’s goals of making cellulosic ethanol cost-competitive by 2012 and, along with increased automobile fuel efficiency, reducing America’s gasoline consumption by 20 percent in ten years."
so they plan in reducing gasoline consumption by 20% which is a good thing... that'll save a huge amount of green house gases and also reduce oil consumption... how is that a bad thing?

Castro (like other commies) think that people are peasant farmers who dont need cars and should travel riding bicycles or animal powered carts! (like borat)... and all the food can go to his starving army and the north korean army...
Also, the DoE plans on using cellulose based ethanol production and not only using corn.
"Funding for these projects, an integral part of the President’s Biofuels Initiative, will enable biorefineries to produce transportation fuels, electricity and other products from a wide variety of plant material, such as agricultural waste, trees, forest residues, and perennial grasses. These feedstocks can be produced in nearly every region of the country.
Commercialization of fermentative organisms is crucial to the success of integrated biorefineries. Fermentative organisms speed refining by converting lignocellulosic biomass material to ethanol. Today’s selections build upon the announcement of six biorefinery projects announced earlier this year. Commercialized fermentative organisms will be crucial to achieving commercial scale in cellulosic ethanol refining."
1. making ethanol from cellulose
2. US DoE Press Release
3. Washington Post Article about Castro's Ethanol Awakening